Monday 14 May 2012

Auto Expo 2012 - Volvo Buses showcases Volvo 7700 Hybrid bus

Volvo Buses today showcased their hybrid bus the Volvo 7700 Hybrid at the Auto Expo 2012 in New Delhi. This bus has been in operation in 20 cities across the world after its production began in May 2010. It has seen savings of up to 37 per cent in fuel costs and over 50 per cent reduction in hazardous emissions.
With this vehicle Volvo Buses intend to showcase their readiness for India. Akash Passey, managing director & CEO, Volvo Buses in South Asia, said, “At Volvo we have what is considered today as the world’s most efficient hybrid solution. Importantly it’s a part of our regular production system, developed by Volvo in-house, and proven in real operations for a long time now. The Volvo Hybrid is very much the solution cities & environmentalists have asked for. We are ready. All we await is the demand & the direction from the authorities, so that we can apply this solution specifically to Indian needs.
The Volvo 7700 Hybrid has a small diesel engine and an electric motor, which can be used either independently or jointly. The battery that drives the electric motor is charger through re-generative braking. The diesel engine also shuts off when the bus is stationary and does not start again till the bus reaches15-20kmph further saving fuel.

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